To Jerry Brown: You Suck
2 min readMay 31, 2016
Today you endorsed Hillary Clinton. It was a forgone conclusion that you’d do this, of course. It wasn’t like you were even pretending to be a liberal anymore.
- You pushed austerity measures instead of helping the poor.
- You vetoed a bill that would have protected deceased medicaid recipients from asset forfeture.
- You proposed cutting 8.3 billion in welfare, education, and healthcare to balance the budget.
- You rejected a ban on fracking, which causes earthquakes and toxic chemicals to bleed into the gruondwater.
- You harmed the environment countless other times.
- You proposed a massive, expensive prison expansion to aviod freeing inmates.
- You refused to support higher taxes on the wealthy.
- You opposed legalizing pot.
- You demonized immigrants as an excuse for vetoing a bill which would have protected them from being deported for misdemeanors.
- You veteoed a bill that would have protected nurses from physical violence in hospitals.
- You vetoed a bill that would have helped those who were sexually abused as children get justice.
I could go on and on and on. Sure on a few issues, like gay rights, you’ve been a rock. But you’ve been a total sellout since day 1 on just about everything else that matters. Kind of like Hillary Clinton. So of course you supported her.
It’s just such a tradgedy that a state like California has to have you as a Democratic Governor. I’m no fan of Gavin Newsom, our likely next Governor, but it’s hard to imagine him being a worse Democrat than you.